fredag den 30. marts 2012


I attended poker night last Friday. Mostly just because it was at Dánnell's house and I didn't wanna be all meh and antisocial and going to bed super early when eight people were coming over.
So then, in spite of feeling a little sick, I decided to sit through it. I would quickly lose and that would be a great excuse to sneak into the warm bed without anyone thinking I didn't like them or that I was afraid of meeting new people. It was quite embarrassing really, because Charlie, Dannell's best friend, had to write down the order of different card combinations. I DO know the basics from playing a little poker with the girls for fun and, mostly, watching poker on television with a hangover so big you don't have the strength to change channels if you ever had the patience to look for the remote in the first place. And the chips have different values! Well, I knew that, but didn't know the values and even though they'd tell me how much it was worth, I would usually just put out the same amount of the different colours as the one before me. It went pretty well, I was just sitting, minding my own business, trying to figure out good and bad hands and realizing just how anti-social poker really is. People don't really talk, a good bunch of them were listening to music on their headsets, the rest were just staring down the cards on the table. I was drinking tea.

This could have been a long and exiting tale of how I discovered my unknown poker skills, but it's really not that interesting. Basically, I outplayed a shitload of people and won everything. Afterwards, when everyone had gone home and I realized I'd won, I celebrated. Then I went to bed. I still think my "sick face" served me as a poker face for the night. But I won. And there were real, freaking serious casino style poker players at the table. Just saying...

Ps. Here's a picture of nacho night at Stefan's house because 1) Nachos are freaking delicious and combined with Stefan it's just so much more deliciousness right in your face and 2) Blog posts without pictures are boring.

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